Oct 31, 2012

Capelet Escape

{Wore: Pa-sweet clothing (thrift) dress, thrift capelet, Baclaran leggings, Steve Madden mary-janes}

Hey Wednesday morning,

I woke up today, opened my eyes, and spoke to myself, "I'm gonna be productive, today". However, that was immediately put to a halt the moment I laid my eyes on the seemingly innocent Procrastinator-nator (a.k.a the internet). I knew I was done for and told my inner monologue to shut up.

Anyhow, on days that I feel stuffy in sweaters and cardigans, I opt for my trusty capelets. Here, I channeled a teenage witch who's spreading her arms idiotically just to show the capelet's dimension. Too posey-posey, even for my style.

A capelet would make a great addition to any wardrobe, that's why I'd like to make a shout out to everyone (anyone in fashion), why am I not seeing any capelet action here in Manila ? You can't deny that it looks good in just about anything -- Jeans, maxi dresses, ball gowns. Can't you realize its conventional prowess in making someone look British (no?). What is instant chic, other than the lbd, pearl necklace, pink pumps, red lipstick, etc? Capelets.

I'm getting all riled up. Now, I better get my signages and get ready for a hunger strike for the good cause of demanding enough capelets in every (anyone in fashion) Filipino lockers.

Heyyyy, what'dyounknow, I'm being productive :)


Oct 29, 2012

#PHFW S/S 2013 Cary Santiago & Luxewear

I'm in a rush today so I'll just dump this post with photos from last Friday's Philippine Fashion Week. I bet that won't help much because my photography skills + low quality camera would only equal to BLURRY shots. Oh, don't get me started with "Focus" and how my battery decided to die on the most important part, because that will take half a page of ranting and would cause me to be late for my appointment.

Imagine me saying all the things I've said above with this face on.

Cary Santiago
a.k.a my new favourite designer

I knew that our origami class from TLE would come in handy someday. Too bad I did not pay much attention to the subje -_-
Wow (period).
Though I'm biased towards the black and white pieces, overall, everything was breathtakingly beautiful. Kill me for using colloquial terms.


Was I ever glad I did not miss this show because of my 1st world issues, 1.) I'm not into anything luxurious (aesthetic-wise) 2.) It was a 9:30pm show 3.) we only had 30min. to eat dinner, and that includes brisk walking, choosing the best filling yet affordable resto, and 15 min. digestion break; lastly 4.) We're left with a choice to watch either standing at the back or punch someone to get a seat (obviously I chose the one to less likely ban me from entering SMX). 

But because of my honest love for Veejay Floresca's designs, I ignored all my reasoning and to my benefit  encountered with Roel Rosal, Harley Ruedas and Chris Diaz's Spring/Summer 2013 collection.

Chris Diaz - Vertical lines = Instant  Long leggedness
Chris Diaz
Harley Ruedas -- Is there some intricate details on his bottom?
Harley Ruedas
Harley Ruedas
John Paras
John Paras -- Will fringe be big for Spring/Summer 2013?
Noel Crisostomo -- I need that belt in my life.
Popoy Barba -- Is that mouth open for 'awe' or 'yawn'?

If you went straight to browsing the photos and neglected what I wrote on my intro because of my poor writing skills or other reasons you may have (like thinking of saving your precious time instead of reading a paragraph full of rants). Well, I mentioned above that my camera chose the perfect time to die, slowly, achingly, annoyingly. 

Why of all designer allotment did they choose to put Veejay and Roel's collection near the end of the show? Oh wait, I perfectly know why. But in case you're curious, the complete collection can be seen at Philippine Fashion week's official website. Click here. And that is all.

Oct 24, 2012

Unconventional Surprise

{Wore: Pa-sweet Clothing(thrift) bunny dress and under-skirt, DIY coat, Vivienne Westwood tote bag and thrift wedges}

Fighting the laziness, I spontaneously conjured all my strength one afternoon and did what I long planned for since I saw this post by one of my favorite blogger, Ivania Carpio. I was instantly inspired and instantly swooned  by the thought that I could totally make this coat-cape within an hour(max) ... and I did!

This coat is probably Fashion Week worthy, but I can assure you that this is not a 2-in-1 piece where you slip your arms in, once you feel the chill of the SMX AC. Unless, that is, if you don't mind the inconvenience of not being able to raise your arm, o-or if your instinct is telling you that this could be the start of a new "ugly-trend" called "Armpit holes" (If you have another word for armpit, other than under arm, then it's a statement look that doesn't seem to smell).

But so far I'm contented with what it is, as it is - An unconventional surprise.

P.S: What is Cheesy? The closing statement is.

Oct 20, 2012

Hot & Cold

{Wore: Pa-sweet clothing Blazer, more than 10 years-long shift dress from Mom, FRILLS belt, 50th ave. Clutch and thrift Wedge pumps}

First, let me just say, that the title is totally irrelevant to this outfit post. This is the result of the internet connection going AWOL on you (Gateway Timeout Error 504) and you're left with only 10 seconds to think of a lookbook title. I saw Red; I saw Blue, so why not Hot and Cold, as in Fire and Water. Even Herman Melville had a hard time thinking of titles - Moby Dick wasn't very original either.

On to the main part: Denim and Red. I have never noticed it before, but they really do match well. Here in the Philippines we have this "nakakputi" moment (Filipinos, even if we deny it, it's obvious we have a "Mestiza fetish"). It occurs when you're in a moment where your skin glows more than usual or it seems you've become one shade lighter. An example is when you just dyed your hair a color that complements your skin or most of the time when you've tried on a new pair of shoes, preferably in PINK. You can't experience it all the time (unless, with the help of photoshop), that's why I call it a "moment."

Anyhow, Denim together with Red radiated a nakakputi moment for me. I do have a few denims in my wardrobe so I might wear something like this again in the future. Or better yet, I'll make sure to have a Denim and Red ensemble ready for the lazy-but-must-still-look-quirky-days.


P.S: If I have the chance to think of a relevant title for this one, then I'll dub thee "Nakakaputi moment". No? I'll try better next time (I'm not promising anything though)

Oct 15, 2012



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Looking at pictures, that I took, from our recent pig-out at Army Navy, Nuvali makes me crave for some Quesadilla ...


Oct 14, 2012

Polka dotty

{Wore: Thrift find dress and Pre-loved shoes from my friend, Gabbie}

Hey Polka,

My boyfriend recently asked me if I have some sort of fashion-fetish for polka dots. It caught me by surprise because I can only name 2 or 3 polka dotted pieces that I personally own, where 2 are thrifted both in navy and white dots. I asked how did he arrive in such conclusion? And he plainly said , because he always sees me in them. 

Then I noticed I really do wear my polkies more than once each month. Well, It's a bit of a coincidence really. I don't wear them because of the design but rather because the fabric and style is a fashion staple. They are one of my fail-proof outfits for lazy-but-must-still-look-quirky days. You'd get it if you've experienced it.

So there, I don't have any special feelings towards polka dots; I don't hate them nor do i scream at the sight of them. Period.

Dotty (See what I did there?)

P.S: After looking for reference of polka dots that I personally own. I found thisthis and this of the polka dots that I've worn once before selling them on Pa-sweet clothing. This totally doesn't mean that I have a polka dot fetish.