Oct 20, 2012

Hot & Cold

{Wore: Pa-sweet clothing Blazer, more than 10 years-long shift dress from Mom, FRILLS belt, 50th ave. Clutch and thrift Wedge pumps}

First, let me just say, that the title is totally irrelevant to this outfit post. This is the result of the internet connection going AWOL on you (Gateway Timeout Error 504) and you're left with only 10 seconds to think of a lookbook title. I saw Red; I saw Blue, so why not Hot and Cold, as in Fire and Water. Even Herman Melville had a hard time thinking of titles - Moby Dick wasn't very original either.

On to the main part: Denim and Red. I have never noticed it before, but they really do match well. Here in the Philippines we have this "nakakputi" moment (Filipinos, even if we deny it, it's obvious we have a "Mestiza fetish"). It occurs when you're in a moment where your skin glows more than usual or it seems you've become one shade lighter. An example is when you just dyed your hair a color that complements your skin or most of the time when you've tried on a new pair of shoes, preferably in PINK. You can't experience it all the time (unless, with the help of photoshop), that's why I call it a "moment."

Anyhow, Denim together with Red radiated a nakakputi moment for me. I do have a few denims in my wardrobe so I might wear something like this again in the future. Or better yet, I'll make sure to have a Denim and Red ensemble ready for the lazy-but-must-still-look-quirky-days.


P.S: If I have the chance to think of a relevant title for this one, then I'll dub thee "Nakakaputi moment". No? I'll try better next time (I'm not promising anything though)

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