Nov 29, 2012

Brush Strokes

{Pa-sweet clothing midi skirt, Sabella top. Gifted bag(Dad) and Shoes (Boyf) and Ribbon band made by me}

Hey you, 

I don't know why, but these days I lack the enthusiasm to tell something about what I was wearing, because essentially that would make me look like a personal style blogger rather than ... something else I've yet to figure out.

If I was aiming to talk about my personal style then I would probably go on about how I wore this outfit to do an errand at my daughter's school; how I made it look like I'm the older sister again; and make a made-up story of how this outfit was inspired by "Paintings" hence the title "Brush Strokes".

But that isn't so. This outfit was a last minute thing - another fail-proof outfit of mine that's consisted of a Basic Shirt and a midi-skirt. I just saw the ribbon band (that I made a long time ago) lying around and grabbed it out of impulse. The 16 year old in me took over.

Life used to be simpler, not only for me, but for everybody else. When did the world began to be so ...  artificial? Reading other blogs - It's all marketing. Even my most favorite blogger has gone over to the dark-side (but I'm still part of her cult, I love her too much not to follow). I noticed that only the pioneers and the relevant have truly stayed through the course of honesty. 

Actually, my frustration is that that I want to blog, but not to the point that it will be my money source. If there are opportunities, I don't mind, but as long as there will be NO GIVEAWAYS or Manipulation of writing content; because that will kill the unicorn, babe. What's probably eating my system is that I don't want to be labeled as a fashion blogger wanna-be (So far no one has spilled the devastating news yet), but the IFB badge on the right side of this post is very unbecoming of me. I have my poser moments, but I'm no quack if that's what you're thinking. 

Why am I being all mellow? I'm , genuinely, usually like this. Most of the time I'm thinking about non-fashion stuff such as the coming of the end. Anyhow, This type of writing is the original content of Hey cham (notebook). All rants; No Glory.

Cham Gumin

P.S: So hey all!! Visit Pa-sweet clothing we got new Items and I'm selling this skirt for only P299.00 :)

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