Aug 17, 2012

Living Brightly

{Wore: Pa-sweet clothing(thrift) dress, Leggings from Baclaran, Shoes from Primadonna, Bag borrowed from boyfriend}

I know this is a bit late but let me just say that I'm happy that the storm is finally over. Though I love the rain, there's nothing to love about it if it means most people would have to suffer.

Me and my family, on the other hand, have been fortunate during the monsoons that came (Prolly because of our house's location), we never experienced any flood or food shortage in our area, which somehow, in reality, makes me ashame because I cannot imagine nor relate to the sadness of most of my countrymen who's life shifted in one night.

But I know that they'll be able to get by this sorrow because one of our best asset is to always smile and laugh. Filipino humour are one of the funniest in the world and it is true that It's more Fun in the Philippines.

To prove that, I've inserted a few pictures that are both inspiring and comical. This makes the flood just another story to tell in a few months or even to my future grandkids. But mind you, this doesn't mean that everything's ok, it just so happens that Filipinos tend to look at the bright side of things and that's how we keep on living brightly :D

The pictures are right after the jump --